What is the Client Focused Reforms (or "CFRs)?
Our securities lawyers can help you achieve regulatory compliance with the Client Focused Reforms. Contact Nancy Mehrad at nancy@registrantlaw.com to find out more.
On October 3, 2019, the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) published amendments to NI 31-103 and its companion policy (the Client Focused Reforms).
The rules were phased in as follows:
(1) Conflicts of Interest changes took effect on June 30, 2021; and
(2) Remaining amendments took effect on December 31, 2021.
Summary of the changes
Conflicts of Interest (COIs):
Misleading statements:
Registrant Law's CFR Compliance Check™ program conducts an assessment of your firm's compliance with the Client Focused Reforms, by comparing your policies, procedures and documentation against the Client Focused Reform requirements, and providing suggestions on ways to improve your programs.
We can also help update your:
- policies & procedures manual
- client disclosures
- account opening documents
We also provide training on the client focused reforms, to help satisfy the CFR's training requirements.
Registrant Law has been helping clients with the Client Focused Reforms since inception. Nancy Mehrad, CEO & Founder of Registrant Law, is regularly asked to speak about the CFRs at industry events.
Contact Nancy Mehrad at nancy@registrantlaw.com to discuss.
Registrant Law is a boutique law firm in the Toronto area offering quality, practical and cost-effective securities law advice to portfolio managers, investment fund managers, and dealers. This article is an overview only and does not constitute legal advice. It is not intended to be a complete statement of the law or the proposed regulations. You should not act upon the information in this article without a thorough examination of the law or proposed regulations as applied to the facts of your situation. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the prior written permission of Registrant Law.